Nine Reasons to Celebrate ‘No Pants Day’

Try as I might, I just can’t get a handle on the point of No Pants Day. But thanks to this collection of photos from, and my powers of deduction, I have come up with nine potential reasons to participate.

1. Give old men something to look at.

No Pants Subway Ride Day 2014 hits trains worldwide

“Honey, can you get out of my way, I’m trying to get a picture of this girl’s butt.”

2. Get attention while acting like you are oblivious to the attention, when really you are loving the attention.

No Pants Subway Ride Day 2014 hits trains worldwide

“Tra-la-la. Just another day at the office. Let me just make some notes, check the time, have I forgotten anything? Nope, all good here.”

3. Get a whole row of seats to yourself on the subway.

No Pants Subway Ride Day 2014 hits trains worldwide

4. Make people that much more uncomfortable when packed ass-to-groin in a train car.

No Pants Subway Ride Day 2014 hits trains worldwide

“Scoot on back, lady, there’s plenty of room over here!”

5. Reinforce the disdain people have for millennials.

No Pants Subway Ride Day 2014 hits trains worldwide

You just know this lady is shaking her head thinking, “This bitch.”

6. Get blatantly, unabashedly, point-blank, downright, straight-up ogled.

No Pants Subway Ride Day 2014 hits trains worldwide

7. Have an image of your ass captured and stored for all eternity by countless strangers.

No Pants Subway Ride Day 2014 hits trains worldwide

“I will sleep soundly tonight knowing all these men have a picture of me in my underwear.”

8. Scar a child for life.

No Pants Subway Ride Day 2014 hits trains worldwide

“Oh the humanity!”

9. Show off the goods to attract potential mates.

No Pants Subway Ride Day 2014 hits trains worldwide

She is not impressed.

No Pants Subway Ride Day 2014 hits trains worldwide

But she is.

47 thoughts on “Nine Reasons to Celebrate ‘No Pants Day’

  1. I am going to feel lonely on this one, but I actually found it funny šŸ˜› seriously, it takes some guts to break the conformism, especially when it looks so cold. Look at those people’s face, isnt it hilarious? Btw, what I loved most were your precious comments!

  2. No Filter Day should definitely coincide with No Pants Day. That’d be much more entertaining. I really hope that the people that chose to participate in this ridiculousness did it for charity or a fundraising event, otherwise it’s just an embarrassing cry for attention…which is not uncommon in our society.

  3. I don’t know if it’s the same, but I once stumbled upon a group called “Improv Everywhere” or something like that… and they basically set about shocking people in weird situations and capturing it on camera. Think flash mobs, with a little more creativity added in.

  4. It looks so cold, not sure how they deal with that. A bit of a pointless event to me, but I don’t live in a huge city or use public transportation. Maybe I’m missing something.

  5. I live here in Manhattan and thankfully I was down in Atlantic City that day. It’s pretty dumb and pointless to me. Seen it all before. Personally, most of these people should put their clothes on as they really should never show off what they have anyway!

  6. I live here in Manhattan and thankfully I was down in Atlantic City that day. It’s pretty dumb and pointless to me. Seen it all before. Personally, most of these people should put their clothes on as they really should never show off what they have anyway!

  7. Hey, if they wanna walk around with their junk in full view… have at it. More power to ’em. Mathair and I, on the other hand, do not have the balls to pull that off… figuratively and quite literally. I think there’s a point where the line of public indecency is crossed. I was raised around old school southern men, who would’ve probably cold-cocked a guy for walking in front of their women without any pants on, but I realize we live in a dysfunctional society and as long as their not rubbing up against me, I really don’t care. Let them freeze their asses off and garner all the attention their unfulfilled hearts desire.

  8. I love this. There would be no hiding your “short comings” that is for sure. But also notice that is all people that wouldn’t giggle to save their life who actually followed through with the “movement”? I never saw one picture of anyone who had additional weight to them, but I digress.

    I love the shot that you found for “scar a child for life”. That is soo sooo sooooooo true.

  9. This is what happens when you live in national parks. Or outside the country for two months. Is this a new “thing”? Never heard of it. And now I am scarred. Thanks.

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