I’m a Winner!

I am very flattered to have been nominated by Nichole for the Versatile Blogger Award. She was nominated as well, so be sure to check out her wonderful blog, Things My Daughters Told Me. I also owe a big Thank You to Emily at The Okayest Mom and Okay, What If? for nominating me for the Super Sweet Blogger Award! I am also very excited to spread the love by nominating the following bloggers- check them out! Fellow nominees, see the rules below or on http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/vba-rules/ to find out how to accept the award.

Zebra Garden

The Waiting

50 Year Project

A Pretty Penny

New England Vintage Chic


Musings of a Dancing Wino

The Irrefutable Opinion

The Dimwit Diary

Sherman Ave

Vodka & Cupcakes

Good Humored

Grandma Drives Me Crazy

The Average Life of a Secret Mom

You’ve Been Hooked!

And, much more reluctantly, I have come up with the requisite seven facts about myself, made more interesting with the support of visual aids:

1. When I first got a nose ring, my mom said this was the first thing she thought of:

But me and my nose ring look nothing like that.

2. This is usually my reaction to smelling bacon:

“I gotta have – I love it!”

3. I talk as little as possible and rely heavily on expressive non-verbal communication.


4. I make most of my decisions based on food and parking.


5. When I was in 4th grade some kid rammed into me on a moon bounce, causing me to chip my four front teeth. He asked if I was okay and I just stared at him like this as I held my precious teeth in my hands:


6. In high school some guy left a love note in my locker and this was my reaction (though I was not wearing a falafel hat at the time):

7. Sometimes, I will write posts just to use my favorite GIFs.

If you have been nominated, here are The Rules for accepting your VBA:

1. Display the award on your blog.

2. Make a post about your win and link back to the wonderful person who nominated you.

3. Present 15 other deserving bloggers with the award.

4. Drop them a comment after your post to tip them off of their win.

5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

24 thoughts on “I’m a Winner!

  1. Pingback: Blog Bling Round Up! | rarasaur

  2. Pingback: ♥♥♥♥♥ | rarasaur

  3. Hooray for GIFs and awards! I am obsessed with Lucille Bluth so seeing her represented made me know for certain that you are one of my people ;D Thank you for the nom!

  4. Hi! We’re trying to get to 50 posts this week on Yeah Write and I don’t see you on there yet 🙂 Please come join! Prizes galore this week!

Feel like you can relate? Commiserate! Let me know what you think: